Hao Lin Hui Ding Assitant Students Postdoc Visiting Scholars Alumni Position

Yan-Ting Jin ph.D.

Yan-Ting Jin is the Post Doctoral researcher at Center for Informational Biology and the Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education in UESTC (Superviser: Hao Lin), focusing on the associations between metagenomics and human diseases.

E-mail:  jinyanting@uestc.edu.cn


Education and Training

2023-now Post Doc. in Bioinformatics, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Sichuan, China

2017-2022 Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Sichuan, China

2015-2017 M.S in Bioinformatics, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Sichuan, China

2011-2015 B.S in Biotechnology, Shanxi Agricultural University, Shanxi, China


Selected Papers

4. Yan-Ting Jin, Dong-Kai Pu, Hai-Xia Guo, Zixin Deng, Ling-Ling Chen and Feng-Biao Guo. (2022) T-G-A deficiency pattern in protein-coding genes and its potential reason. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:847325. (2022 IF=5.640).

3. Yan-Ting Jin, Cong Ma, Xin Wang, Shu-Xuan Wang, Kai-Yue Zhang, Wen-Xin Zheng, Zixin Deng, Ju Wang, and Feng-Biao Guo. (2022) Consistent clustering pattern of prokaryotic genes based on base frequency at the second codon position and its association with function category preference. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 14(2):349-357. (2022 IF=2.233).

2. Yan-Ting Jin, Tian-Yue Jin, Zhi-Li Zhang, Yuan-Nong Ye, Zixin Deng, Ju Wang, and Feng-Biao Guo. (2021) Quantitative elucidation of associations between nucleotide identity and physicochemical properties of amino acids and the functional insight. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19:4042-4048. (2020 IF=7.271).

1. Chuan Dong&, Yan-Ting Jin&, Hong-Li Hua, Qing-Feng Wen, Sen Luo, Wen-Xin Zheng, Feng-Biao Guo. (2020) Comprehensive review of the identification of essential genes using computational methods: focusing on feature implementation and assessment. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 21(1):171-181. (2019 IF=8.990).