DNA elements

iNuc-force, and Deform-nu: Identification of nucleosomes in S. cerevisiae genome

iRSpot-Pse6NC and iRSpot-Pse6NC2.0: Prediction of recombination spots in S. cerevisiae genome 

iNuc-PseKNC: Predicting nucleosomes in H. sapiens, C. elegan, D. melanogaster genomes 

iPro54-PseKNC and iPro70-PseZNC: Identification of sigma54 and sigma70 promoter in prokaryotic genomes 

iORI-PseKNC1.0, iOri-PseKNC2.0 and iOri-Human: Identification of origin of replication in S. cerevisiae and H. sapiens genome 

iORI-Euk: Identification of origin of replication in eukaryotic genome 

iTerm-PseKNC: Identifying bacterial terminators

iProEP: Predicting Promoter in Eukaryote and prokaryote

DNA modified sites

iDNA-MS: Identifying DNA modification sites

3D Genome

DeepYY1: identify YY1-mediated chromatin loops